Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekly Inspiration Linky Party

Oh the fabric!  Oh the inspiration! Oh the Quilts!

Nini and I found a new fun quilt shop that we got to explore last weekend and boy did that lead to lots of inspiration!!!

If you live in northern NJ or can easily get there I highly recommend this quilt store!  Nini and I had a great time picking out fabric for quilts in the making with lots of help from the ladies of The Quilt Spot.  They were knowledgable, friendly, and have a great eye for color!  They have a wide range of fabric without being overwhelming and I just wanted everything in the place.  Best thing for me was that there was a NJ Transit train station right across the street so I will be able to get there without a car (this is both wonderful and dangerous)!  Click here for more info.
I found the best quilt ever for one of my favorite people in this book!  Look for a post about the quilt in the near future.  We saw a sample of this awesome secret quilt at The Quilt Spot and it was like the quilt was made just for me to see, like there was a HUGE neon sign saying "This is perfect! MAKE ME!"  And you know what, I am!  You can find the book here.

3.  Fabric!
I got fabric for a quilt I'm making at a quilt retreat in October and I just love the colors!  The ladies at the store helped me pick it out and I'm so excited to see how it will turn out.  There will also be a post about that quilt in the future, but for now here's a sneak peek at the fabrics:
I don't think this does the colors justice!!!

What's been inspiring you lately?  Leave your link below to let us know!!!

Wishing you big waves and an artful day!


  1. Ooo La La! I was snooping over at "The Quilt Spot" and it looks like a lot of damage can happen there~~Can't Wait! You must bring along you book on the retreat looks like a good one. Well you are so... ahead of me--have no clue as to what fabrics I am using for the retreat--but I seem to work better under pressure. Hope to see you soon!

  2. I love the owl quilt on the cover, looks like a lot of fun!
